Upgrade software

Upgrading consists of three main tasks:

  • Find out if an app needs to be updated

  • Remove the old version

  • Install the new version

The method of upgrading software depends on the original method of installation.

Do not perform upgrades while users have apps open.

Important: Distributing copyrighted software without the appropriate license agreement is a violation of copyright law.

  1. Run a Software Version report to determine the version of software on the client computers.

    For information, see Create file reports.

  2. Remove the old version of the software.

    • For software installed using a package or metapackage, it is removed automatically when you install the new version.

    • For software installed using the Copy Items command, you must delete the old version.

    • For software installed using another company’s installer application, you can use an uninstaller before installing the new version. If an uninstaller application is necessary, you can copy it to each of the client computers and run it remotely.

  3. Install the new software.